Update No. 7 – 15/05/11

Current Period
April 01 2011
Current Price
Since inception
EGP Fund No. 1
1.00000 1.03634 3.63%
S&PASX200 (TR)
EGP Fund No. 1 Pty Ltd. Up by 3.63%, leading the benchmark by 6.04%.
S&PASX200TR    The benchmark index is Down by 2.41% since April 1 launch.
This week, I thought I would talk about the launch of our official website.  Our www.eternalgrowthpartners.com site no longer redirects to the blogspot blog, it now has a basic structure all of its own.  Over time it will grow and evolve, but it is initially as you will observe, a very basic affair.  This is because I have defaulted to my low-cost ethos and basically developed the site with the (massive) help of Adam, my far more tech-savvy Brother. Over time, the site will grow and evolve along two key lines.  Firstly, as I improve my understanding of developing and running a website, it should more closely reflect the appearance and functions that I have developed in my mind.  Secondly, as I have more and more feedback from those who use the site and what they would like it to do for them, I will do my best to enhance the features in keeping with user preferences, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to make contact – Tony Hansen 15/05/11