Category Archives: Regular Updates

These are the EGP Capital regular reports.

Update No. 242 – 20/11/15

When I sat down to do the numbers, I had thought it was a really wonderful week for our portfolio. I figured we’d be at a new all-time high and we were, but the market still trounced us this week. The 4.00% gain was the 5th biggest week for the benchmark since the fund started and we are too index unaware to keep pace with such a meteoric rise without something unusual happening to one of our larger holdings.

Update No. 238 – 23/10/15

I will talk a little about a stock we own this week, and have no intention of selling. I seldom do this, but I believe we are probably finished buying (absent a decent retreat in prices) as it has already grown to our 5th largest holding. In any case, it is a good instructive example of the type of very good returns available from time to time to the alert. Also, the gains here are primarily income driven rather than capital gain driven, so it is different to many of our holdings.

Update No. 236 – 09/10/15

We’ve had a busy couple of weeks, with quite a bit of buying taking place. I mentioned a couple of small positions in the last quarterly (.pdf). I said I would discuss them in the blog after they had played out and one more or less has now, so I will try to explain the thinking in it, and why it was such a tiny position and the type of thinking we use at EGP to try and generate risk adjusted returns for our shareholders.