EGP Long/Short Global Fund

The EGP Long Short Global Fund is a quantitative offering from EGP using a comprehensive model to select a global portfolio of stocks seeking to generate a high rate of return with lower average drawdowns.

The portfolio targets ~80% net long (averaging 96.2% long and 15% short historically) across a portfolio of Australian, American and Canadian equities.

More detail can be found in the Information Memorandum and Pitchbook buttons below.

Aggressive Strategy

The Aggressive Strategy takes the EGPLSGF, adds some additional strategy elements and runs these elements with a more aggressive asset allocation. The strategy has historically generated significantly stronger returns with only modestly more volatility.

The Aggressive Strategy has historically averaged Net Exposure of ~56% (~112% long and ~56% short) across a portfolio of Australian, American and Canadian equities. The Aggressive Strategy is currently offered only as an IMA (Individually Managed Account), but we hope to launch a fund in 2025. The Pitchbook buttons below explains further.

EGP Long Short Global Fund
Aggressive Strategy