Daily Archives: April 7, 2011

Update No. 1 – 03/04/11

Current Period
April 01 2011
 Current Price
Since inception
EGP Fund No. 1

Investment Principles & Shareholder Guidelines

I had said I wouldn't make a post this Sunday, but I am finally able to submit the Investment Principles & Shareholder Guidelines, those who have secured one of the initial places in the foundation format can contact us to receive the form. The contact details are in the document, please call us before committing cash, because we are limited to 20 shareholders under our foundation (Pty Ltd) structure, and we don't want the cash for the July 1 issue to hit our account until the last part of June.

What If?

One of the statements I've often heard used by those who try to justify their compulsive ‘undersaving’ or ‘underinvesting’ is “what if I get hit by a bus tomorrow”, or some such morbid, doom-saying prediction.  The inference here is that life is full of uncertainty, so better to enjoy the full measure of your discretionary income in the here and now, than to sock some money away and risk the prospect of leaving behind some inheritance by accident should an unexpected disaster befall you.
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Valuing Companies Part 2

You may have noticed I do a lot of 2 part posts.  The reason being is that I start off with a short sharp investing principle I think readers might enjoy, and by the time I’ve typed it out, it runs to 3 pages and is too big for a single post.
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Analysts Top Picks

I am frequently critical of the funds management industry, as I pointed out in my post, routinely, when you factor fees into the equation, over 80% of managers fail to beat the most suitable benchmark.  The key reason for this is fees & charges, of course, but it at least warrants consideration of how useful the advice of brokers/analysts in general is.
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The Importance of Benchmarking

The S&P/ASX200 TR index (my preferred benchmark) finished calendar 2010 at 34,518.53 points.  If you are a market follower, you will have heard many commentators saying the market was down in 2010.  This is a mistake often perpetrated on an unsuspecting market by an (in my opinion) uninformed ‘commentariat’.
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Investment Reading

Well, it’s nearly Christmas, buy someone you care about something useful, a book on investment, to help get them started on the road to financial security.
People, who are interested in investing, invariably will at some stage buy, or be given book/s about investing. I am no different than most, probably having consumed more financial literature than anyone I know. There are lots of really ordinary books out there, don’t let that stop you read everything you can lay your hands on.

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Borrowing to Invest

Borrowing to invest is often demonised in the financial press.It is referred to as ‘leverage’ and for good reason, it ‘levers’up your gains and losses.The only time the leverage has no apparent effect is when the return is the same as the cost of the leveraged capital.Recent examples to demonstrate the potential effects of leverage […]

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