Update No. 287 – 15/01/17

The broader market continued its recent rise (third consecutive blogpost where our benchmark hit an all-time high), Unfortunately our portfolio has done next to nothing in the first couple of weeks of 2017. The swell of economic positivity of late has me given to think of the importance of psychology in economics. The tidal wave of global positivity in the second half of 2016 has continued into 2017 (so far).

Update No. 274 – 01/07/16

FY2016 was an excellent year for the fund, at least in comparison to a fairly weak performance from the indices. FY2013 and FY2014 were very strong ones for the Australian market, with a 44.15% 2-year gain. FY2015 and FY2016 have been disappointing, with only a 7.93% 2-year gain. A little extra tailwind would certainly be helpful in generating a larger absolute performance.