Update No. 194 – 19/12/14

We eliminated another two holdings this week as I seek to get our number of holdings down to a more appropriate level. We hold shares in 26 businesses after these eliminations; I still view that as too many for a properly focused fund running a small pool of capital. I will continue to focus on ensuring the largest proportion of our capital is focused primarily on the greatest risk/reward opportunities.

Update No. 190 – 21/11/14

A savage 2.74% drop in our benchmark this week. Fortunately, we only felt roughly half that with a 1.38% drop. We dipped into negative territory for the first time since the July 1 beginning of FY2015, but I remain very positive about the long-term prospects of our holdings and convinced value is building like a coiled spring waiting only on the right circumstances to materialise.

Update No. 186 – 24/10/14

The whole foundation of Eternal Growth Partners was based on my view that industry fee structures didn’t properly align the interests of the Fund Manager with the investor. In these pages I frequently pillory the funds management industry for using clients as a revenue source, rather than providing a valuable service and earning a fee. Although as a default, I generally prefer negative reinforcement, this week I will be a little new school and try on a little positive reinforcement.